Foam Online Beer Store

Bizarre Celebrations: Let's Pretend (4-pack Direct Ship)


We present, Foam’s official 8th Anniversary beer: Bizarre Celebrations: Let’s Pretend. A Double IPA dry-hopped with Citra, Simcoe, El Dorado, and Sultana. While we are always exploring a diverse array of styles, the Double IPA has always been our go-to anniversary celebration beer. Bizarre Celebrations: Let’s Pretend is a bold, juicy DIPA brewed to set the party off right. With aromas of fresh apricot on the nose, cantaloupe and peach nectar on the palate, and a dreamy medley of fruit to close out the flavor profile journey, you can't go wrong with this one if you're even kind of a hoppy beer appreciator. 

Art here is by Torrey Valyou of @newduds, our friend and favorite screen printing magician on the planet. While running one of the coolest and most reliable screen printing businesses on the east coast Torrey moonlights as a very talented artist and designer. Thanks for another awesome Anniversary can, Torrey.

$18 / 4-pack of 16oz cans

+ $0.05 recycling deposit per can